Piura Porcelana, Peru 75% Couverture
Organic chocolate from ultra-rare white cacao Piura River Valley, Peruvian Andes.
Original Beans discovered this ultra-rare white cacao in the Piura River Valley of Northern Peru in 2007. Due to its lively fruit flavours, it has become one of the best awarded international beans. With a cacao content of 75% and a 22-hour conch, Original Beans presents a very elegant yet luscious dark chocolate with notes of lime, raspberry and roasted nuts. The conservation objective here is reforesting the nearby mountain slopes to restore a stable water supply of this dry land.
Ingredients: Direct-trade cacao beans*, cacao butter*, raw cane sugar*
(*Certified Organic)
祕魯Piura Porcelana朱古力75% (有機)
2007年Original Beans在秘魯北部的Piura River村落發現了 極稀罕的白色可可可豆。因著近乎生果的風味,而獲得獎項為Best International Cacao Bean之一。以可可含量75%及22小時研磨的時間,Original Beans製造出這優美而甘香的朱古力,帶有青檸、山莓及烤焗堅果的風味。保護森林目的是在山坡上重新種植使乾地上恢復穩定水源。
成份: 直接貿易可可豆*、可可脂*、天然蔗糖*。 (*有機認可)