KanVela Chocolate
K A N V E L A in Thai means "the passage of time.”
We are a locally-crafted chocolatier from Thailand. As an integrated chocolate business, KanVela supplies high-quality cacao beans from our farms to produce uniquely fine-tasting chocolates for our valued customers.
With the goal of producing world-class Thai chocolate, our bars are made from the finest beans of healthy cacao trees that we have carefully nurtured and cultivated in our orchards. Through meticulous research and tireless testing, we discovered a production process suitable for local ingredients. We call this breakthrough the “KanVela Method”. This method is derived from the way we sustainably take care of our cacao orchards with our farmers, to our factories where we innovate unique flavors for our premium chocolate products. It is through this method that has allowed KanVela to have won many awards worldwide, especially the International Rising Star Award from the renowned Academy of Chocolate, UK.