Original Beans

Original Beans was founded on a passion for making the purest chocolates and for replenishing what we consume, carrying on our founder’s family tradition of sustainability that began 220 years ago when his forefather Georg Hartig advised “to manage forests in such a way that future generations can reap the same benefit from them as the current one.”
Taste the Rare
Like other tree fruits, cacao is infused with flavours from the environment in which it grows. Its seeds—aka beans—are full of nutrition and when harvested, fermented and dried with craft,they reveal the unique characters of their distinct origins. Since 2008, our “Bean Team” travels into the rarest places on earth to bring original beans to you.
Preserve the Rare
To make sure that cacao beans—and their rainforests—of distinction are safe from extinction we grow one tree for every bar sold. When you break off a piece of Original Beans chocolate, not only are you a moment away from enjoying the earth’s rarest cacao beans in their purest form— you are breaking ground for a tree.


Through our One Bar : One Tree programme, Original Beans customers and farmers have grown millions of trees to date