Chocolate See the World 慢遊朱古力國- 舊文分享 Posts Sharing
慢遊朱古力國的"慢",是指"慢嚐"的意思,"遊"當然是"遊歷",介紹不同國家朱古力外,亦會遊走可可大地,介紹不同地區的可可莊園。早年的文章可在以下連結參閱, 因近年朱古力工作繁忙,少了寫文章,縱使有時寫在個人FB上,但沒有時間整理放在網上與大家分享。今年因疫情原故,暫停外遊,或者可以慢慢地再把近年的"慢遊朱古力國"更新,新的文章將會在此與大家分享。
New Online Shop Website
Hello Chocolate Friends, Happy to launch the new website! It includes the online shopping and the sharing when we travel around the world. This site is still under improvement. Thank you for visiting us again and shopping our chocolate online. Cult de Choco