Cru Virunga, Congo 70% Couverture
Organically grown in the buffer of Virunga National Park, Eastern Congo (D.R.)
This cacao is grown in the buffer zone of Virunga National Park in part of the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. It is Africa’s oldest nature park and home to the last wild mountain gorillas in the world. This lively dark chocolate has a cacao content of 70% and is conched for 20 hours. It has a strong finish with hints of black tea.
Original Beans is currently campaigning together with Virunga National Park and the movie “Virunga” for the preservation of the park (#teamvirunga).
Ingredients: Direct-trade cacao beans*, cacao butter*, raw cane sugar*
Certified Organic
剛果Cru Virunga 朱古力70% (有機)
可可樹以有機方法種植於 東剛果(民主共和國) Virunga國家公園保護緩衝區內。
可可豆在東剛果(民主共和國) Virunga國家公園保護緩衝區內以有機方法種植,這個是非洲最有歷史的自然公園,及是現存世上少數的野山大猩猩的家園。 朱古力是以70%可可含量及20小時來研磨,有著顯著的茶香。
Original Beans現時計劃與Virunage國家公園及電影”Virunga”一同保育這個自然公園。
成份: 直接貿易可可豆*、可可脂*、天然蔗糖*。 (*有機認可)