Tanzania 74% - Kokoa Kamili
Tanzania 74% - Kokoa Kamili
Svenska Kakaobolaget

Tanzania 74% - Kokoa Kamili

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50 g

Dark chocolate with jammy notes of plums, cherries, raisins & sour apples

AWARDED:  Silver medal in World Finals - International Chocolate Awards 2018

Kokoa Kamili works only with top quality beans, mainly of the trinitario variety. The operations of Kokoa Kamili are run in the small village of Mbingu in the Kilombero valley where the savannah meets the Udzungwa mountains. 

The cacao is box fermented. Typically six days with turns on day three and five. They are later sun dried on raised dry beds. 

Kamili pays the farmers a premium for wet cacao and by buying wet cacao they can ensure a high quality consistency in fermentation and drying. For the farmers this also means less workload and greater compensation. We have been working with Kokoa Kamili since 2016.

Ingredients: Cacao, cane sugar.

Profile: Raisins, dried figs, sour cherries

在坦桑尼亞的Kokoa Kamili 可可合作社,只會提供高品質的可可豆,而品種主要是Trinitario。Kokoa Kamili的營運中心是在Kilombero山谷中一個Mbingu小村莊,此處是 Udzungwa山脈下稀樹草原地區。

可可豆是用箱發酵方法,通常是在六日過程中,第三及第五翻動一次,之後就放在床架上進行日曬。Kamili付給農民溢價來購買”濕”豆(未進行發酴前的可可豆),以確保可可豆在穩定及優良系統下進行發酵及曬乾。從農民角度來說,他們工作量減少但同時得到更好收入。我們與Kokoa Kamili從2016年已經開始合作。

 成份: 可可豆、蔗糖

風味: 葡萄乾、無花果割,酸車厘子

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